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Weight-loss machine

Clinton Rubin and colleagues at the State University of New York in Stony Brook claim to have made the extraordinary discovery that light vibrations can prevent and even reduce the formation of fat tissue.

Rubin says his research indicates that this occurs, not because the shaking increases the patient's metabolism as exercise would, but because it slows the formation of fat cells in the body in the first place. The therapy could reduce obesity and prevent the onset of related problems such as diabetes, he says.

Rubin suggests that the subject could stand on a ground-based platform similar to weighing scales to receive the vibrations, or they could be delivered by vibrating shoes, or clothing.

Rubin and colleagues' work on mice has been published (read our story on the research here), and it will be interesting to see if the work makes it as far as human trials.

Read the full weight-loss device patent application.